Posted 20 hours ago

Urimil Forte Neuro, 9 Important nutrients, 30 Capsules for The Peripheral Nervous System.

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Naturpharma Urimil Forte Max is a nutritional supplement from Naturpharma for the peripheral nervous system. Urimil Forte Max is the newest and most powerful product for maximum care from the Urimil series – an expert series of solutions recommended by specialists for symptoms of neuropathy. The product is designed to care for patients with neuropathic pain and supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and normal muscle function. Each capsule of Urimil Forte Max contains an optimal combination of 9 active ingredients, which are administered together and separately to treat pain conditions. Now with even more uridine and cytidine – key nucleotides for the function of the nervous system, involved in the initial formation of neurons, as well as in their further development, recovery, in the transmission of signals between them and in the modulation of their activity.

Deteriorarea nervilor periferici (neuropatia periferica) este frecvent intalnita la adulti, iar cele mai frecvente cauze sunt: traumatismele, tulburarile metabolice si ischemice, expunerea la toxine, bolile inflamatorii si cele infectioase, deficiente de vitamine sau o asociere a acestor factori. In functie de tipul de nerv lezat (senzorial, motor sau vegetativ), pacientii prezinta durere, furnicaturi, amorteala, pareza, slabiciune musculara, rigiditate, crampe, lipsa reflexelor, tulburari senzoriale sau simptome autonome (cauzate de functionarea necorespunzatoare a unuia dintre organele interne). Fortunately , there are ways to control and even treat neuropathic pain . This is because nerves are metabolically active tissue with their own vascular system ( vasa nervorum ), which supplies them with nutrients key to their health. Such substances are: Urimil Forte Max is a dietary supplement that has a beneficial effect on the functions of the peripheral nervous system. Urimil Forte Max supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and maintains normal muscle function. Each capsule contains an optimal amount of 9 active ingredients that help to relieve pain. Urimil Forte Max supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Contains Vitamin D and Magnesium, which help maintain normal muscle function. Each capsule of Urimil Forte Max contains an optimal combination of 9 active ingredients, which are administered together and separately to treat pain conditions. Now with even more uridine and cytidine – key nucleotides for the function of the nervous system, involved in the initial formation of neurons, as well as in their further development, recovery, in the transmission of signals between them and in the modulation of their activity. Copii mai mici de 6 ani, femei insarcinate sau care alapteaza, persoane cu hipersensibilitate la oricare dintre componentele produsului.

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Urimil Forte For Neuropathic Pain is a nutritional supplement to support the health and natural functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Urimil Forte is specially developed for the care of patients with neuropathic pain, each capsule of it contains an optimal combination of 9 active ingredients - uridine monophosphate and B vitamins, which are often used together and separately to treat pain. Now with added vitamin D and magnesium, which help maintain normal muscle function. Pain associated with diseases affecting the nervous system can be characterized as neuropathic or neuropathic. Sometimes it comes in the form of a sudden burning sting, often in the middle of the night. Other times, it may be accompanied by chronic tingling, tingling, tingling, or burning sensations that simply refuse to go away. There are ways to control and even treat neuropathic pain because nerves are metabolically active tissue with their own vascular system (vasa nervorum), which supplies them with key nutrients included in the formula of Urimil Forte. Copii mai mici de 6 ani, femei insarcinate sau care alapteaza, persoane cu hipersensibilitate la oricare dintre componentele produsului. A nu se depasi doza recomandata pentru consumul zilnic. Suplimentele alimentare nu inlocuiesc o dieta variata si echilibrata si un mod de viata sanatos. A se pastra in ambalajul original, la temperatura camerei, pana la 25 de grade. A nu se lasa la indemana si vederea copiilor mici. A se consuma, de preferinta, inainte de sfarsitul lunii mentionate pe ambalaj. Uridina monofosfat (UMP): participa la sinteza acidului ribonucleic (ARN), induce sinteza proteinelor si fosfolipidelor (fosfatidilcolinei) si, prin urmare, refacerea membranelor celulare, stimuleaza refacerea dendritelor care sustin functia sinaptica, stimuleaza proliferarea celulelor Schwann si astfel, formarea mielinei (care joaca un rol important in conducerea impulsurilor nervoase), induce cresterea celulelor nervoase si formarea nervilor, facilitand semnalizarea intracelulara. Uridina declanseaza si stimuleaza regenerarea neuromusculara si impiedica transmiterea durerii.

Nucleotidele pirimidinice, Uridina monofosfat si Citidina monofosfat , au aratat un efect benefic in neuropatiile periferice de diferite etiologii. O serie de studii au aratat ca administrarea de nucleotide pirimidinice, cum ar fi Uridina si Citidina, este eficienta in ameliorarea durerii din neuropatia diabetica, durerile de spate (dorsalgii) si durerea cauzata de modificarile induse de compresia traumatica. Administrarea lor duce la refacerea structurii si functiei nervilor deteriorati. Conversely, a number of studies have found that supplemental intake of the vitamin contributes to the reduction of chronic pain in cancer patients (Björkhem-Bergman, L., & Bergman, P., 2016), musculoskeletal problems (Gendelman, O., et al., 2015), fibromyalgia (Wepner F., et al., 2014) and diabetic neuropathy (Lee, P., & Chen, R., 2008). Excipients: magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose (emulsifiers); silica (anti-caking agent). Vitaminele B1, B6, B12, niacina si magneziul contribuie la functionarea normala a sistemului nervos. Vitamina D contribuie la mentinerea functiei musculare normale, iar magneziul la functionarea normala a sistemului muscular.Magnesium - is involved in a number of different processes in the body, one of which is muscle conduction. Helps maintain normal muscle function. Magneziul (Mg) blocheaza receptorii celulari (receptorii NMDA) care sunt asociati cu cresterea activitatii nervoase si debutul durerii. Este important pentru semnalizarea nervoasa si conducere neuromusculara. Tratamentul cu magneziu este adecvat pentru afectiunile sistemului nervos periferic. De asemenea, are un efect benefic la pacientii cu dureri cronice de spate, inclusiv cei care nu raspund la terapia standard. Vitamin D is a hormone-like vitamin, low levels of which are often associated with chronic pain problems (Shipton, EE, & Shipton, EA, 2015) and higher pain medication use by patients with pain (Bergman, P., et al., 2015). Pentru ameliorarea vertijului si amortelilor trebuie sa faceti niste proceduri pentru spondiloza cervicala, cereti trimitere la specialist! The newest and most powerful product for maximum care from the Urimil series – an expert series of solutions recommended by specialists for symptoms of neuropathy. The product is designed to care for patients with neuropathic pain and supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and normal muscle function.

Este posibil sa va ajute: Neuro Optimizer - Protectie neuronala (de la Jarrow Formulas - Pentru memorie) Each capsule of Urimil Forte contains an optimal combination of 9 active ingredients that are applied together and separately to affect pain conditions . Now with added cytidine monophosphate, vitamin D and magnesium, which contribute to the maintenance of normal muscle function. Vitamina D3 indeplineste o serie de functii la nivelul sistemului nervos, cum ar fi: reglarea cresterii si diferentierii celulelor nervoase si in procesul de mielinizare. O serie de studii clinice arata ca aportul de vitamina D3 contribuie la imbunatatirea simptomelor (inclusiv durerea) si a calitatii vietii, pentru pacientii cu neuropatie diabetica. Exista o stransa legatura intre nivelurile scazute de vitamina D3 si severitatea durerii. To better understand neuropathic pain, we need to talk about the primary purpose of pain in general. Pain serves as a kind of alarm system of the human body. When our hand is dangerously close to a flame, our nerves send a pain signal to the brain: “This person is about to burn!” In response, our brain initiates a withdrawal reflex before we even have a chance to burn ourselves.

Pain is an invariable but unpleasant part of our biology. Common causes of it are diseases affecting the nervous system: Urimil Forte is the newest and most powerful member of the Urimil family – a series of expert nutraceutical solutions recommended by chronic pain specialists . The product was developed with care for patients with neuropathic pain and supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not use after the expiry date. Urimil Forte este un supliment alimentar care contine 9 ingrediente active ce actioneaza sinergic, cu rol important in regenerarea nervilor periferici si ameliorarea durerii. The physiological mechanisms linking vitamin D and pain are not fully understood, but evidence suggests that its insufficient levels affect the function of peripheral nerves and the parasympathetic division of the nervous system (Helde-Frankling, M., & Björkhem-Bergman, L., 2017 ).

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