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Abraham Kuyper: Calvinismus

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Calvin turned to the teachings of Jesus for a theological interpretation of the diversity that some people accept the "covenant of life" and some do not. Pointing to the Parable of the Sower, Calvin observed, "it is no new thing for the seed to fall among thorns or in stony places". [19] In Jesus' teaching in John 6:65 that "no one can come to me unless it has been granted him by my Father", Calvin found the key to his theological interpretation of the diversity. [20] So we must all repent of our sins , leave them and turn to God almighty for our salvation, by trusting in the sinless blood of Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross at Calvary , Jerusalem some 2000 years ago for the remission sins of all mankind , so that all who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life.

Auch die preußische Verfassung von 1848/49, die Verfassung der Weimarer Republik und das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland orientierten sich an den amerikanischen Verfassungsprinzipien (z.B. republikanische und föderale Staatsform, Grundrechtekanon, Bundesverfassungsgericht). [42] Stejně jako Zwingli prosazoval i Kalvín přísné a doslovné dodržování Bible. Jeho učení o předurčení navázalo na myšlenky Augustinovy, které Kalvín silně radikalizoval. Podle něho je o člověku předem rozhodnuto, kdo dojde spásy a kdo bude zatracen. Člověk se o tom však dozvídá podle toho, jak se mu daří vést poctivý a mravný život.

How Did Calvinism Start?

So we must all repent of our sins , leave them and turn to God almighty for our salvation, by trusting in the sinless blood of Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross at Calvary , Jerusalem some 2000 years ago for the remission sins of all mankind , so that all who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life. All mankind are sinners through Adam and Eve’s sin of eating forbidden fruit in Garden of Eden (Romans 3:23). Double predestination, or the double decree, is the doctrine that God actively reprobates, or decrees damnation of some persons, as well as salvation for those whom he has elected. After 411 CE, Augustine made statements that teach this doctrine (e.g., Enchir. 100, De nat. orig. 1.14, 4.16, Serm.229S, Serm.260D.1, De civ. dei 14.26, 15.1, ep.204.2), but persons relying primarily on Augustine's writings prior to 412 CE are not clear whether he held to double predestination. [41] In ep.225 (from Prosper) and ep.226 (from Hilary of Gaul), both men complained that fellow Christians did not want Augustine's dangerous new view of predestination and perseverance preached because it rejected the traditional view of election based upon God's foreknowledge, replacing it with a 'predestination' as "necessity based upon fate" (ep.225.3). Hilary complained, "But they do not want this perseverance to be preached if it means that it can neither be merited by prayer not lost by rebellion" (ep.226.4; cf. Persev.10). Persons who later taught that same double predestination they found within Augustine's writings, such as Gottschalk of Orbais and the Jansenists, were condemned by the church. [42] [43]

In einigen nordamerikanischen Kolonien verbanden sich die demokratische Regierungsform und ihre bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechte mit dem zentralen Menschenrecht der Religionsfreiheit. Luther hatte das mittelalterliche Inquisitionsverfahren und die staatliche Verfolgung von Andersgläubigen verworfen. Der Glaube, so Luther, könne nicht erzwungen werden. Er sei ein Werk des Heiligen Geistes. [34] Dieselbe Auffassung vertrat der Theologe Roger Williams, der 1636 die Kolonie Rhode Island schuf, die nach demokratischen Grundsätzen regiert wurde und uneingeschränkte Religionsfreiheit gewährte. Williams war zunächst Kongregationalist, später schloss er sich den Baptisten an. Auch die Kolonie Connecticut unter der Führung von Thomas Hooker, einem ebenfalls kongregationalistischen Theologen, verlangte von ihren Bürgern keine Glaubensprüfung. Zusammen mit Pennsylvania, einer Gründung des Quäkers William Penn (1682), wurden diese Kolonien Zufluchtsstätten für in Europa verfolgte religiöse Minderheiten, einschließlich Juden. [35]Als Reaktion auf die Verelendung großer Teile der ländlichen und städtischen Bevölkerung riefen ab 1844 in England Mitglieder der Kongregationalisten, Methodisten, anderer Freikirchen und Anglikaner Genossenschaften als Selbsthilfeorganisationen ins Leben. In Deutschland schuf der Reformierte Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen aus christlicher Gesinnung ab 1846 ein dichtes Netz von Genossenschaften. [43] Henry Dunant, ein reformierter Pietist, leistete einen großen Beitrag zum humanitären Völkerrecht. Das Rote Kreuz war seine Gründung. Zudem war er die treibende Kraft bei der Formulierung der Genfer Konventionen. [44] Kunst [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ] Dieser Artikel oder nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (beispielsweise Einzelnachweisen) ausgestattet. Angaben ohne ausreichenden Beleg könnten demnächst entfernt werden. Bitte hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und gute Belege einfügst. Calvin opened his exposition of predestination with an "actual fact". The "actual fact" that Calvin observed was that even among those to whom "the covenant of life" is preached, it does not gain the same acceptance. [18] Although, "all are called to repentance and faith", in fact, "the spirit of repentance and faith is not given to all". [19] Hill, Edmund O.P. (1994). "Sermons III/8, Sermon 294". The Works of Saint Augustine: A New Translation for the 21st Century. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. pp.184, 196. It was during this 5th century religious transmutation for power consolidation of state this Christ Mass- Solar Mass, Passover- God Friday, Resurrection – Sunday Easter, intercession/veneration of saints ,Mary-Venus, etc.got changed. Thus in 5th century AD, the initial heresy entered Global (Catholic) God’s Church corrupting its western part as heretic idolatrous Roman catholic sect, but eastern part stayed true as Church of East (Assyrian/Chaldean) although Orthodox sects later fell for catholic idolatry but didn’t submit Pope.

century Reformed theologian Karl Barth reinterpreted the Reformed doctrine of predestination. For Barth, God elects Christ as rejected and chosen man. Individual people are not the subjects of election, but are elected or rejected by virtue of their being in Christ. [27] Interpreters of Barth such as Shirley G Zitiert bei Jan Weerda: Art. Calvin. In: Evangelisches Soziallexikon, 3. Aufl. (1958), Kreuz-Verlag, Stuttgart, Spalte 210 Hanegraaf, Wouter J., ed. (2005). "Manichaeism". Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Vol.2. Leiden: Brill. pp.757–765. Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin (Hrsg.): Calvinismus. Die Reformierten in Deutschland und Europa. Sandstein Verlag, Dresden 2009, ISBN 978-3-940319-65-4. The controversy over infant baptism with the Pelagians was a major reason for Augustine's change. Tertullian (ca. 200) was the first Christian to mention infant baptism. He refuted it by saying children should not be baptized until they can personally believe in Christ. [17] Even by 400 CE there was no consensus regarding why infants should be baptized. [18] [19] The Pelagians taught infant baptism merely allowed children to enter the kingdom of God (viewed as different than heaven), so that unbaptized infants could still be in heaven. [20] In response, Augustine invented the concept that infants are baptized to remove Adam's original guilt (guilt resulting in eternal damnation). [21] Inherited original sin was previously limited to physical death, moral weakness, and a sin propensity. [22]

What Are the Five Points of Calvinism? (TULIP)

Catholic idolatrous heretic sect committed doctrinal corruption and chaos when they started the idolatrous practice of intercession/veneration of saints and the many lies like purgatory with which they try to defend that idolatry in 5th century AD on wards , when they left the true God’s Global (Catholic) church of East and West. Now the remaining one true God’s Church is the Church of East (from Apostolic times till the present times) and the innumerable sects that have either abstained from catholic idolatrous doctrinal chaos from 5th century on wards and catholics themselves coming out of idolatry and lies and trusting in Lord Jesus Christ so that they will have eternal life by hearing God’s Eternal Word for salvation of all mankind who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ- Holy Bible.

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